Vendor and Advertising Opportunities

The 12th annual Tracon will be held from Friday, September 8th to Sunday, September 10th 2016 at Tampere Hall in Tampere, Finland. The expected attendance is 5,500 people, making Tracon the largest rpg/anime convention in Finland. Tracon attendees have a wide variety of interests in games and Asian culture, such as role playing games, board games, strategy games, card games, anime, manga, Asian music, fashion and dance, martial arts, cosplay and crafts.

Tracon is organized by a non-profit organization called Tracon ry. The event is financed with ticket sales and sponsorships. All the organizers are unpaid volunteers.


Would you like to sponsor us?


It would be our pleasure to be sponsored by your company. In exchange for the sponsorship fee, we can offer you exhibition / vendor space and advertising space in the programme or on our web site. Sponsorships fees are negotiated on a case-by-case basis. 

Request vendor space or advertisement


Vendor space


Vendor space is located in the Park Hall of Tampere Hall. The hall is open in daytime on Saturday and Sunday.

Vendor space is priced by area. 

  • 5-7 m2 costs 63 euros per sq meters (1 table, max. 3 salespersons)
  • 8-11 m2 costs 68 euros per sq meters (2 tables, max. 3 salespersons)
  • 12-17 m2 costs 68 euros per sq meters (3 tables, max. 4 salespersons)
  • 18-19 m2 costs 68 euros per sq meters (4 tables, max. 5 salespersons)
  • 20 m2 costs 68 euros per sq meters (5 tables, max. 6 salespersons)
  • The size of one table is 180 x 80 cm. If you need more tables than the price includes, they cost 50 euros per table. Please take care that all the tables fit to the reserved space.
  • The prices also include the needed amount of chairs.
  • You can also bring your own tables, racks and shelves as long as they fit to the reserved space. Please note that all your boxes, shelves, rack and tables should fit into the reserved space, so please reserve enough space for your needs. All the structures must be safe and the maximum height of any structure is 3 m. Because of fire safety regulations, there must not be a roof in any structures, so tents with roofs are not allowed.
  • If you need more salespersons than the price includes, they cost 20 euros per person if reserved before 1.8.2017 and 25 euros after that. However, 21.8.2017 is the deadline for reserving extra personnel.
  • You may request your preferred location in the hall, but we may not be able to fulfil all requests. However, first come are first served, and the earlier you make a reservation, the better chances you have to get what you wished for.
  • You may also request your preferred dimensions for the space. The minimum depth for the area is 2 m and the recommended depth is at least 2,5 m. Again, we may not be able to fulfil all requests.

If you want to make sure to get to Tracon 2017, please make your reservation as early as possible, as the exhibition space was sold out last year.

Request vendor space


Outdoor vendor space

We have some vendor space available at Sorsapuisto Park, next to the convention center. Outdoor vendor space does not include any tents, tables, chairs or electricity. The vendor is responsible of bringing all they need. Please be prepared for changes in weather.

Outdoor vendor space costs 300e (for a 16 sq meter spot) and include two entrance passes.

Request vendor space or contact for any questions!



The exhibition hall is not open on GameFriday. If you're interested in renting vendor space or advertising at the venue on Friday, please contact us at



Advertisement space is available in the convention programme, handed to all attendees free of charge, and on the event website

If you get an exhibition space worth at least 1000 euros, you will get a 20% discount on advertisement space.

Request advertisement or contact for any questions!


Programme brochure

  • 1/2 page advertisement 200 EUR
  • 1 page advertisement 300 EUR
  • Inner cover 500 EUR
  • Back cover 800 EUR


Web advertisement

  • Banner ad (196 x 60-200 px): 100 €


Request vendor space or advertisement




Tytti Levänen, Head of Sponsorships /

+358 50 353 7994


Niina Kytöharju, Sponsorships Trainee

LautapeliopasSäätöyhteisö B2 ryConikuvat.fiAicon